Thursday 27 March 2008

sharmilis cover 1

This is an image of my front cover, as a draft, as i still have not yet included the website as well as the month of the issue and banner within it!

sharmili x


so far i have finishded annotating three different Movie magazines and one Double page spread
which i took from a film magazine. I have also partly finished doing the front cover, as all i have to do
is put the Month of the issue as well as the website within' the cover.
I will soon upload the draft of the Front Cover, as well as the Double page spread which i have done...
I have uploaded several images which i took of my friend, to include within' the double page spread!

Wednesday 26 March 2008

Becky final cover

This is my final front cover.


Tuesday 25 March 2008

Becky's interview questions

I interviewed a 'member of the public' to give his opinion on why he thinks Trainspotting is the best British film of this generation.
It will be featured in a box in the last column of the double page.
This is what Dominic said.

1.Did you enjoy Trainspotting?
I really did. I loved every aspect of it because it displayed the real affects of drugs upon people by allowing us to make meanings for ourselves whether they are good or bad.

2.What was your favourite part?
When Renton overdoses, because the imagery illustrates exactly how he is feeling and what he is seeing.

3.Why do you think Trainspotting is so popular now?
Because each character is easily relatable and drugs are a major problem in today's youth.

4.Did it change your view on drugs?
It stayed the same as i knew to stay away because it leaves you with nothing.

5.Would you recommend it?
Yes, deffinately. We all need to know the exact effect of drugs and this film helps us understand it more.


Becky's new front cover

I have changed my front cover a fair bit since i last posted a picture of what i thought would be the 'final product'

The headline has been more aligned and the coverline in the shape of a circle has been taken out and replaced with a banner at the top to not disrupt the image.

I will post a picture of it soon enough...
The double page spread is now to be done over the next few days, hopefully it won't take too long.


Sunday 23 March 2008


So far...i have done draft of my front cover magazine, also have changed several
things as I went along. i have now began writing up my double page spread article based on a Bollywood Film, as i have done some research on bollywood films, celebrities.
however, I have also started my production log which is going quiet well at the moment! =D....and i have well..finshed doing the anotating of film magazines, such as Movie and Cineblitz, which are two bollywood film magazines!!


Sunday 16 March 2008

Becky's article - 2nd Draft

The English Patient, Sense and Sensibility, Small Faces. British cinema was known for its charming dramas…then along came Trainspotting. It’s a story of a young adult whose life revolves around drugs, but then he comes to an important decision - ditch the dirty heroin or carry on killing off every opportunity at life he has?

Since Trainspotting was released over a decade ago, it has definitely caused much controversy in the news and other areas of reality. It’s hard to come across this film now and if you were to go into your local HMV, you would probably have a hard time finding it in the DVD section. If you were to look for it on the TV, it would come on once in a blue moon very late at night running into the early hours of the morning. However, this film is a classic and will remain a classic for a while, being the film that is the must see for teenagers of this generation – knocking the film A Clockwork Orange off of the top spot.

In the year 1995, if you were even to mention the name Ewan McGregor, you’d probably get a load of blank faces and confused comments from your mates wondering who the hell you were going on about. This man had starred in films before, even working with the director of Trainspotting, Danny Boyle, before taking a big leap in his acting career. At the tender age of 24, McGregor auditioned for the role of Mark Renton and got it, the starting point in the making of a delusional, funny and emotional British film that brought together many themes such as drug use, sex, community and friendship.

Throughout the film, the characters are seen sniffing, smoking and injecting drugs into their bodies to give them a bit of a high until their next hit. Throughout the film, Renton swears he will quit the drugs. Throughout the film he wants to ‘choose life’. It’s not until Renton takes an overdose of heroin, provided by good old ‘mother superior’ as they like to call their dealer, that his pathetic excuse for a life begins to take a dramatic change. A near death experience, an abandonment from his friend and a ‘nice’ little trip to the hospital, forces Renton’s parents to step in and take control of his dirty druggie life. After making him go cold turkey and a series of incredibly freaky events that I’m sure the character of Renton would rather forget, he is clean and has a second chance of having a normal life. Getting a successful job and moving to London seems to help him along the way of making a new start, but it’s not long until his old druggie mates, the disturbing and frightening Begbie and his best mate Sick boy, follow him to ask him a favour – to take part in a stupid drug deal. What is Renton to do? Does he fob off his old mates who have grown up with him, helped him in some ways and provided many of the good times in his old life? Or does he help them? He has the money now to pay for this drug deal and has Begbie’s word that he will get the money back. But it’s just another moment where Renton’s willpower may show how damaged it is.

Filmed in a different style to many of the films around at the time, Trainspotting stood out. If you were to watch it carefully, you could see that it had similar shots to a music video, fast paced and ‘in your face’ shots that can co-operate with the narrative to give off the druggie feel of being ‘high’ and then totally down in the dumps again. It is known that director, Danny Boyle, came up with this style from the ‘MTV’ generation, using music videos and what the younger generation want to see to make up a surreal film that can bring out many different emotions from the audience. And this style has also conjured up some of the most recognisable scenes of all time. That being the scene when Renton uses the ‘worst toilet in Scotland’ and the film shows him diving into the toilet, playing on the metaphor that it is a sea of water, to find his precious drugs and another scene when Renton nearly dies from an overdose of heroin, but the style is slowed down and shown from his point of view.

Trainspotting was considered a triumph as even the top film critics commented on it and it received top marks for its “stark, realistic portrayal of addicts’ experiences with each other” as American critic Roger Ebert said. The triumph continued on as well, the film was released around the world, unlike many Scottish films at the time, and even received an Academy award nominee for ‘Best Adapted Screenplay’ and a National Board Of Review nominee for ‘Best Picture.’ Trainspotting may not have won the awards, but it had certainly won a place in British film history.

The biggest triumph, however, for Trainspotting was the renaissance it had made within British and Scottish cinema. With the film taking a big leap into the mainstream, British films were beginning to be recognised and appreciated around the globe. British films were never considered to be big budgeted and many were most likely unknown to members of the public. It was then after Trainspotting was released that the British film industry started to grow, with more films being made and bigger budgets allowing the films to stretch out even further. Throughout the last decade, blockbusters have been rivalling with British films and critics have often praised the techniques the directors have used to make films instantly recognisable as British.

Of course, there were negative views of Trainspotting. Being a film simply about the drug culture in Glasgow, there was much controversy over its messages and values and whether it was glamorising the use of drugs to the younger generation or if it was trying to show the effects of what drugs can do to you. As it started to become the film for the teenage generation to have seen, there was some worry about imitation. Many important people made public their dislike for the film, one of the most famous being from U.S senator, Bob Dole. He decried its moral depravity and glorification of drug use during the 1996 U.S presidential campaign, although he later admitted that he had not actually seen the film. Most audiences have now come to the conclusion that Trainspotting didn’t glamorise the use of drugs, but it told the truth and sent out the message to teenagers all over the globe NOT to do drugs.

This film has gone through a load of crap throughout the past decade it has been released, but in the end it is a classic film in the British cinema and you would be a fool not to have seen it. Choose life – Choose Trainspotting!

Thursday 13 March 2008

Production log for Becky

Today, i finished my magazine front cover.
I was worrying quite a lot as i didn't think it looked professional enough and i changed a few things around.
First of all, i moved the banner from the side underneath the masthead to the bottom and changed the words and colour scheme. The words used to be 'Special Edition' but after seeing that the others in my group had named theirs i decided to call mine 'The British Edition'.

I then moved the headline to the other side of the front cover as it blended in more with the background colour and seemed to adapt more to the white on the shirt and carry on with the colour scheme of the Union Jack flag.

Further changes i made was the change of position of the coverline 'films that will bag you a girlfriend' and adding the date underneath the masthead.

I finished off the front cover by adding the barcode by using an image from the internet and turning it around.

I am happy with my front cover so far, however i still have a small feeling that it doesn't look 'professional' enough, so if i still have enough time in a few lessons, i may still make a few changes.

Right now, i am still working on my article.
600 words have been done so far and it is being written very carefully to avoid being redrafted far too many times or having to make too many changes, i am aiming to do about 1250 words hopefully.
I am still in the process of planning out the article and writing it as i go along.

This is what my front cover looks like as of present.
Front Cover

I have decided to recreate some images for my doubles page spread. My number one Italian mafia film is Goodfellas, and so here are some of the famous, recognisable images from the film.

A famous scene from the film.

This image is the famous poker scene shot, where Joe Pasci ends up killing the young boy because of his egotistic mentality.

In this scene when Joe Pasci thinks he's going to be 'made' which is an Italian mob boss honor, i actually results in his death.

Hopefully my images will look just as good.

Raabya's 2nd Production Log - Analyzing the Competition

Well i have annotated an Empire front cover and a Total Film front cover, to give me a better analysis of my immediate competition. What i found is both magazines use big,bold letters and a unique masculine font, as presumably their readers are young males. Also both magazines seem to have one huge image in the centre of the page, regarding the main story. The image takes up majority of the page, yet leaving room for featured articles. I have noticed that they concentrate on purposely having only a few articles and not cramming the page with different stories/ articles. This keeps the page more simple, neater and easier to read, to mention profession as it looks like they haven't overloaded the front cover with images or too much writing.

That's all for now .....

Friday 7 March 2008

Raabya's Production Log .......

So far i am struggling to capture my front cover image. I have taken a few shots but feel they are not 'the one'. My front cover image will be of a table with certain mafia related items laid out with a man in a suit using them. The items will include cocaine (icing sugar), a gun with unidentified blood on the end of it,lots of money (cash),expensive cuban cigars - basically things that are associated with what an italian gangster owns.

Hopefully this weekend i will deffinately capture my shot.

Thursday 6 March 2008

A log of production :o


Finally found the lead for the camera after much searching and went off to H3 to start the photoshopping.
I had many problems already.
As many of my pictures were crap, i am not one with an eye for photography certainly.
The picture i wanted to use included many editing with the help of Jerry (JERRRRRRYYY), like cropping the background and adding it to the top, airbrushing joshua's face, cloning the smoke coming out of his mouth to make it more noticeable and brightening it.
It's not a great picture, but it's my picture - what you gonna do?
So far, the masthead has been created, and the small banner at the side to say it's a Special Edition.

More (much more, infact) work to be done to get that done for Tuesday.
Damn you mini deadlines!


Wednesday 5 March 2008


Well today, i didn't get up to much.
I tried to upload my pictures onto the computer, however we couldn't find the lead so i carried on with cutting and sticking down my annotations to A3 pieces of paper with a magazine front cover in the middle.

I also took pictures of my mock ups so why don't you have a butchers?

Double Page Spread.
Front cover.

Obviously the outcome will have a few differences, i've already thought of a few changes i can make.
Plus these pictures came out a bit crappy :/


Tuesday 4 March 2008

The magazine production so far...

So far we have designed our front covers and double page spread so the audience can identify our magazine from the layout, even though they are going to be 3 different editions.

We decided on our target audience which is going to be 16-19 year old boys. Mainly because if you were to look at adverts in most film magazines these days, they are targeted at males.
The mode of address will be simple, laddish slang that everyone knows. However, i am finding this hard to do right now as i can't help writing in a sophisticated style!

I am doing the 50 best British films edition, the double page spread will be the number 1 British film, which will be Trainspotting.
So far, i'm in the middle of writing my article and i've taken most of my pictures. (thanks to Joshua - he stood out in the freezing cold in just a tank top and jeans with a cigarette and a bucket of water poured over him! And of course Michael and Tim)
The article will include a review, research, the awards the film won and the change it made in cinema amongst other key facts.
A short interview with a member of the public will be shown in a box at the side which agrees with the fact that Trainspotting is one of the best British films for this certain audience.

The mock ups for the double page spread and front cover have been done now and all i am left to do is write the article and start to properly put together my front cover and double page spread on the computer.

Still a lot to do.
